If you’ve recently found yourself in the lucky situation of winning big at online slots, you should know that there are two ways to cash out your winnings: by playing the game again or by getting paid out. Playing again can have the risk of either hitting the jackpot or losing it all. Many people choose to cash out their wins immediately to avoid this risk.
That is a choice you have to make on your own. However, if you want to cash out your winnings at an online casino, you must know the complete process for a safe payout. There is a great chance that you can lose all your money in the transition or end paying unnecessary transaction charges. To avoid any complications and get a safe payout of your winnings from straight web slots (สล็อตเว็บตรง), a step by step guide is provided here for you.
- Open An Account
If you are registered with your platform, you get better chances at claiming against any misdemeanour. However, you must register yourself on a genuine online betting platform and check their payout procedure first. If you are already registered at a platform, you can check out their terms and conditions regarding payout procedures.
- Claim The Money
If you win a lot of money within a short time, you can claim your winnings using the form that is provided by the casino or other payment options like Chase QuickPay or PayPal’s ‘Bill Me Later’. Make sure to include all your details and make sure everything on your end is accurate. You should also include all applicable levies, government fees and taxes in the amount claimed when filling out the form.
- Enter Your Bank Details Carefully
To ensure that you get a safe payout, you need to make sure that you send the money as a wire transfer to the specific bank account. When accepting gambling deposits, banks must ensure that their clients do not use their bank accounts for fraudulent activities. Therefore, if you do not receive the money from your bank within 30 days, you should contact your local banking authority and find out how they plan to address this issue.
- Wait for Proof of Payment
After sending the funds in wire transfer, it takes time before you get concerned with your claim results. Make sure you note the email address and phone number that the casino provided to communicate with them about your claim. If you have sent an email or fax to the casino, you should wait 48 hours for their response before filing a complaint with banking authorities.
- Keep an Eye on the Payment Process
After waiting for 48 hours, check your bank account and see if all the funds have been deposited into your account. If they haven’t, contact the casino immediately and inquire about this delay in payment. You should also check if all taxes, fees, levies are accounted for when depositing your money into the bank. Once you are done cashing out your money, start fresh by playing straight web slots again from a new level.